Especially in the case of an “organised” suspect, it is usually they who go to any lengths to avoid detection. However, in one case in the headlines at the moment, it was the “witness” that went to great lengths to mislead the police, to lie about the abuse he suffered at the hands of innocent, prominent men.  Not only did it become a very costly investigation financially (£2 million) but it also tarnished the name and reputation of several high-profile men.During police questioning, Beech claimed a school friend was deliberately run over, a claim prosecutors later rejected

Carl Beech was that victim and witness who was finally brought to justice as his lies, that contradicted his allegations and destroyed the case he tried to build, were exposed.

The following article shows seven examples of the lies he was caught out on.

In summary, he lied about the injuries he had allegedly received at the hands of his abusers. He also lied about the effects such alleged abuse had on him and his life. He lied about a weapon used on him that turned out to be one of his treasured memories. He even invented other victims, going so far as to purport to be one of them.  Read the full report below.

Could you use any of these lies and revelations in your stories?

Don’t forget to get your very own copy of the following guides, if you haven’t already, by clicking on the images. 

A Writer's Guide to Police Cells and Custody Procedures in the UK by [Robinson, Kevin N.]


A Writer's Guide to Senior Investigating Police Officers in the UK by [Robinson, Kevin N.]


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BPCD 2016 Cover on Amazon

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