All the Research Material You Could Need, for the Price of a Coffee

Posted: March 29, 2016 in Uncategorized

AvailBPCD 2016 Cover on Amazonable from March 2016 is the British Police and Crime Directory for Writers and Researchers 2016.  Not only have the links in the 2015 edition been checked and verified but over 70 pages of extra links have been added.  This now means that you have immediate access to contact details of the 72 police and other law enforcement agencies and departments; more than 350 manuals, documents and guides about the police, investigating crime and criminals; 85 websites that provide you with other exciting and useful information; 69 video clips to increase your understanding and knowledge about the police at work; 42 social media links that will keep you updated and informed, along with links to 85 books about the police, policing, crime and writing crime fiction that you will find invaluable.

Go down the traditional publishing route and you will find an editor telling you to get your policing facts checked out: go down the self publishing route and its down to your own self-discipline and professionalism.

You will find that most bestselling authors have conducted meticulous research or employed someone to do it for them.

Using this book, you will no longer find it difficult or time-consuming to locate the facts about the police in the UK, that you need for your novel.

You don’t need to spend time and effort tracking down a reliable source of information. You can free yourself from futile research.

You can save time wasted looking for facts you can trust and focus on what you do best – writing.

Treat yourself to the latest edition of the British Police and Crime Directory for Writers and Researchers and turn yourself from a nervous, unsure novice to a confident, knowledgeable, professional author.

Please feel free to share this news with your friends and colleagues.

  1. Pete Denton says:

    When I first decided I wanted to write a British Crime novel I started researching through my good friend, Mr. Google. This is a great idea to pull everything together. There are plenty of books on American police, but a gap for our market.


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